10 tips to get more results with Facebook Lives

October 28, 2021

A Live broadcast is a feature that has been gaining more and more space with Facebook Lives. Social Media still expects growth in audience engagement with the videos.

Initially, Facebook launched it for celebrities in August 2015. Nowadays, it is open for iOS and Android users. Lives allow users to share their experiences in real-time, whether it be a visit to a new place or the backstages of their business.

Lives encourage viewers to interact with its host. Results show that Lives generate up to ten times more engagement than traditional videos, and users watch them three times longer.

Considering that video is the content format that generates the most results on Facebook, especially Live broadcast, we have gathered ten tips for you to get more results with your Facebook Lives:

1. Notify your audience in advance about a Facebook Live.

Although Facebook notifies your page followers when you go live, do not miss the opportunity to warn them. Create expectation in your audience, the feeling that the Live content is unprecedented and that they should not miss it.

Notifying your audience up to a day in advance is ideal so that people get organized into the scheduled time. You can do it an hour before the Live, depending on the content you are sharing.

2. Good Internet connection.

Live broadcast uses a lot of internet bandwidth. So, make sure you have a decent internet connection before going live.

Sudden broadcast cuts can confuse viewers and make your video boring to follow. Therefore, choose a decent Wi-Fi or 4G connection or connections when doing your Facebook Live.

3. Write a compelling description.

Besides your followers, Facebook also recommends your Live to other people based on the broadcast description. Therefore, write a creative Live description. Based on that, Facebook will know who could watch your video. There will be more chances that your audience will be interested in the content of your video.

IMPORTANT: Edit the video description after the Live is over. The video will still be available to those who could not follow the Live streaming. The same Live broadcast description that made sense during the Live may not make sense after it ends.

4. Ask your audience to follow your page and receive notifications.

During Facebook Lives, let your audience know that they can "follow" your page and receive notifications next time you go live. That way, people who liked your video will come back when you go live again.

5. Engage with your audience.

Make the most of your live broadcast to interact and get closer to your audience. If any viewer asks an interesting question, answer it, mention the person who asked.

Ask users about the quality of the broadcast, audio quality, who is watching for the first time, where they are from, etc.

Focus on engaging with the audience in the first few minutes of Live. The more people you can attract in the first few minutes, getting them to like and comment, the better. 

That way, Facebook will understand that your video is something that people are interested in, and they will spread your Live broadcast to more people.

IMPORTANT: Unless you are a famous person with many followers, your first lives will not have much audience or people interacting. Persevere. With quality content, you will build an audience following your content. Be patient and consistent!

6. Remember who came in later.

Since live videos usually last quite a long time, remember viewers who didn't start watching the broadcast from the beginning.

It is worth reminding your audience every 10 minutes of the topic and the subject of your broadcast.

7. Think about how long your broadcast will last.

Lives take some time to attract and engage an audience. Therefore, the longer your broadcast lasts, the more time people will have to discover and share your video.

TIP: Facebook Lives should be at least 10 minutes long. Lives can last up to an hour and a half, which is the maximum broadcast time.

8. Think about a schedule.

Consistency is the keyword for the success of your live broadcasts. Prepare a schedule to commit to your audience. Set a fixed date and time for your broadcasts. 

That way, people will count on your Live on that date and time. It will increase your chances of getting more audience.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your live broadcasts happen on relevant dates and times. If you go live ten times on the same day, Facebook will not treat them the same way if you only broadcast once a week.

9. Be Creative.

Think of ways to make your Live unique. Think of a good topic for your live broadcast, something that is interesting to your audience and meets their needs.

Try different types of broadcasts to keep your audience engaged. Here are some options:

Q&A: this is a topic that usually generates a lot of engagement. Regardless of your industry, customers will always have questions about what you offer.

Interview: have a chat with customers, suppliers, authorities, and experts in your industry.

Behind the Scenes: Clients love to see what happens behind the scenes, so show them the daily routine of your business.

Tutorials: Teach step-by-step on something relevant to your audience.

10. Indicate the end of the broadcast.

Make sure to end your broadcast with a closing sentence, such as "Thanks for watching!" or "I'll go Live again soon." After the end, wait a few seconds until you hear a ping, indicating that your broadcast ended.


After you produced your Lives following these tips, you must analyze your results. 

There are many metrics you can consider to do this analysis. For example, the number of interactions you had, the number of people present on the Live, how long a broadcast generates the most results, etc.

Based on your performance, you will identify your strengths and detect where you need to make improvements. Visit LinkerDots Marketing Agency website to learn more about Digital Marketing.

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