Google Webmaster Tools to Improve your SEO strategy

November 11, 2022

Google Webmaster Tools is a tool that allows you to manage your website's performance and improve your rankings in Google. 

It's also one of the most important tools for SEO professionals because it helps you track where your site stands with Google and how much traffic each page gets from search engines.

If you are interested, continue reading to know more about it.

Structure Data

Structured data can be a valuable method of explaining the contents of your site to search engines which be helpful in certain situations and aid in ranking and traffic. 

If you've got structured information on your website, Google Webmasters Tools has a feature that displays the type of data that Google could detect on your website and the URLs that contain the various styles.


The Sitemaps section lets you see all the sitemaps you've made (or Google discovered) and statistics, including the last date they were processed and the number of pages submitted and indexed. 

These statistics can be viewed by type of content, including video, web images, news, and pictures. Another excellent feature is the test of a sitemap. You provide the URL for a sitemap, and Google analyzes it, speedily noting any issues that must be fixed.

Removing of URLs

If you want to remove the URL from Google's database, use the remove URLs feature within Webmaster Tools. This is a powerful tool, but you should use it with care! Use this tool only if you want to delete the URL permanently.

Data Markup Helper

The Data Markup Tool allows you to mark up elements on your website so that Google can understand the content on your website. Once Google can figure out your data better, it can be displayed more appealingly and in different ways in Google Search.

Removal URLs

This is one of the easiest ways to improve your site's visibility in Google Search Results. Removing duplicate content or other mistakes that aren't helping anyone will improve your page's relevancy and make it more visible when someone searches for information about those things.


In today's marketing, Google Webmaster Tools is a great and easy-to-use tool that can help you optimize your website.

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