Pinterest for Business Coaches: Why Coaches Should Use Pinterest in Their Marketing Strategy

October 3, 2023

Many platforms are available for businesses to advertise their services in the modern digital era. 

Ranging from the powerful behemoths like Facebook and Google to the more specialized platforms designed for particular populations. 

Yet, one platform often goes overlooked, especially among business coaches – Pinterest. This article let us discover why Pinterest for business coaches is not just an option but a necessity.

The Unique Audience of Pinterest

Pinterest is different from your typical social media platform. It's not just about connecting with friends or sharing memes; it's a space where people seek inspiration, ideas, and solutions to their problems. 

As of the last update in 2022, over 478 million people use Pinterest monthly. Among these, a significant chunk are professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals looking for self-improvement and growth strategies. For a business coach, this is a gold mine.

People on Pinterest are planners. They're proactive and are looking to act on the information they find. By placing your coaching services in front of them, you're presenting a solution right when they seek one.

Pinterest for Business Coaches: Visual Storytelling

What sets Pinterest apart is its emphasis on visuals. Pins with compelling images and infographics stand out and are shared widely. As a business coach, you can leverage this in various ways:

Infographics: Break down complex coaching strategies into easy-to-understand visual formats.

Success Stories: Share before-and-after transformational stories of clients you've helped.
Workshop and Webinar Announcements: Use visually appealing pins to announce upcoming 


By tapping into visual storytelling, you can communicate the value of your coaching services in seconds, making it easier to grab attention and interest.

Contact our team to guide you in creating a stellar Pinterest marketing strategy tailor-made for your coaching business.

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SEO Benefits and Evergreen Content

Unlike other platforms where your content might get buried within hours, Pinterest is more of a search engine. This means your content has a longer shelf life.

With the right keywords and high-quality pins, you can consistently drive traffic to your website or landing page for months, or even years, after your first post.

Ensure the content you pin links to your website, blog, or landing page, providing more in-depth insights, articles, or resources. This establishes your authority and drives organic traffic, leading to potential conversions.

Engaging with a Like-minded Community

Pinterest houses a community of driven individuals, including business professionals, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

By being active on Pinterest, joining group boards, and engaging with pinners, you position yourself amidst a community that can directly benefit from your coaching services.

Capitalizing on Ad Opportunities

Pinterest also offers advertising options. With Promoted Pins, you can place your services directly in front of people actively searching for business coaching or related topics.

The platform's targeting options ensure your ad budget is spent efficiently, reaching those most likely to convert.

The Road Ahead

As the online landscape becomes increasingly competitive, it's essential to diversify your marketing strategy and tap into platforms that resonate with your target audience.

With its unique audience, visual storytelling advantage, and SEO benefits, Pinterest is an untapped reservoir for business coaches.


Pinterest stands out as an unparalleled platform for business coaches, blending the power of visual inspiration with the intent-driven nature of its users. 

As a business coach, tapping into this platform means positioning yourself in a space ripe with professionals and individuals hungry for growth and transformation. 

In the vast sea of digital marketing, Pinterest can be your beacon, guiding potential clients toward your expertise and services. 

If you haven’t explored Pinterest for your coaching business yet, now is the opportune moment to embark on this journey.

Ready to harness the power of Pinterest for your coaching business? Let us help you. Contact us today to elevate your online presence and attract your desired clients.

Contact us | LinkerDots Marketing Agency

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