Set up Goals in Google Analytics

August 16, 2022

This post is for people who already know what Google Analytics is and its importance for Digital Marketing.

It can be very technical, but if you want to know how to set up goals in Google Analytics, reading what I am going to write here is a must!

Before starting, you need to understand the difference between Business Goals and Google Analytics Goals.

Business Goals

They are actions you desire your user to take on the website. If the user completes a business goal, marketers call it a “conversion.”

For example, this conversion can be purchasing a service/product or signing up for a newsletter.

Google Analytics Goals

After configuring your Goals, Google Analytics will create what Google defines as conversion-related metrics.

Google also refers to this as the conversion rate. It is the number of conversions and the percentage of users that converted.

(You will click on this sentence and open a new tab to know an example of conversion rate).

After setting up a Goal in GA, the marketer specialist will also set up a goal funnel. This funnel is a data visualization of the necessary steps to complete it.

It also assists the specialist to identify where other users are dropping out of the conversion process.

Be a Google Analytics Administrator

It is necessary to be an Administrator on the View in which you want to enable Goals in Analytics.

The maximum number of Goals you will set up is 20 Goals per View; so spend some time thinking about the essential metrics for your business.

To create a Goal, you will need to decide what metric(s) it tracks and how it is calculated based on those metrics.

Using Google Merchandise Store as an example

Check this example here. Since The Google Store is an e-commerce store, one thing they might track is checkouts.

So, you can set up a goal every time a user goes to the checkout page.

After that, you will also set up a funnel visualization. That way, we can see if users are dropping off before going to the confirmation page.

What the Goal Will Track

It will not track revenue but where the users get at each stage and where they possibly abandon the process.

A funnel visualization to track goal completions is optional. On the other hand, it adds visibility to the conversion flow.

Starting the goals Set up on Google Analytics

This video from the Google Analytics channel on YouTube will clearly explain how to set up Goals in Analytics. Please, watch the step-by-step, though.

Advance this video exactly to 2:00 and start watching it. The tutorial lasts about 5 minutes.


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